Why am I doing the Your Turn Challenge?
Daniel from french language's TV Everywhere (telepartout.com) and Yoga Everywhere (yogapartout.com) participates in the
Your Turn Challenge Blog for several reasons: a) It looks like a lot of fun b) It seems easy (so far) c) Why not!
The seven day challenge is here
Le blogue du défi 7 jours c'est ici
Let's let
Tous les renseignements au sujet de cette initiative se trouvent sur le blogue de Seth Godin
Done and gone to host my first English WebRadio Show
I had a complex of “I’m not good enough” when it was time for me to speak in public. I was looking, for example, for a replacement when my new found friends accepted to use my Web Radio Podcast platform to be interviewed.
Yes,in 2010 there were well over 530 millions English speaking internet users in the world. Yet, French occupies well over 59.3 million users.
Not any more since I heard Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post. Arianna who? The greek woman who is chair, president, editor-in-Chief of the now famous Huffington Post Media Group
She spoke at the Dreamforce 2014
See what she had to say on the YouTube between 2:37 till 3:04
And here is the quote:
For those w ho have never heard me before, this accent is for real. I say that because it’s been the pain of my existence. I’ve tried to change it. I was born in Greece and their is nothing I can do about it. I did not relax about my accent until I met Henry Kisinger.In American public life, you can never overestimate the advantages of complete and totally incomprehensibility.
So, let’s go and let’s not become afraid for small stuff.
Proof of the pudding
Proof of the pudding
And yes, we must understand that receiving is as important as giving. It's part of life.
Et puis, oui il faut comprendre que de recevoir ça fait aussi partie de la vie
Therefore, you can donate something (yogapartout.com) and I'll make sure the sum will be thrown back into the cummunity.
Yes, YogaPartout is my non-profit to be. See the mission.
Ainsi, vous pouvez faire un don que je m'empresserai de remettre à la communauté. Pour plus de détails, voici quelques liens d'intérêts
Le PayPal de YogaPartout
Who failed?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit
See these sites for more info... in FR at:
Even in India parents watch their kids as the world is full of uncertainties.
Même en Inde les enfants sont surveillés pour leur r sécurité
Taken in December 2011
One must have the potence of dreaming for a better world. Else, the earth will stop go round.
Et puis, il faut rêver, croire, grandir et s'accomplir
Jodhpur, India
YogaPartout turns to EN colours
YogaPartout turns to EN colours
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My next workshop / En 19 images
See what my next workshop is all about in 18 slides (the last one is the advertising about SlideShare.
Voyez le diaporama. De plus, y a un YouTube qui a été créé à partir de cette captation.
See the YouTube version of this slide show. I'm pretty proud of this accomplishment. Do not mind the music which, btw is an original piece created specially for YogaPartout by Daniel Perret in France
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Contact me so I can feel and see the same as you
Communiquez avec moi
Contact me so I can feel and see the same as you